About the Journal

Ethos Journal, (previously named Ethos Venezolana) is a biannual scientific publication of recognized scientific and humanistic impact, national and international, whose purpose is to disseminate works in various modalities: articles, essays, monographs, reviews, among others, whose contributions constitute a necessary means to consolidate research and transmission of knowledge in the field of sciences: Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Philosophy, Engineering, Education, Law, Management, New Technologies and other areas related to factual and formal sciences. Likewise, Ethos is a journal refereed by experts with extensive experience in their respective research areas, under the double-blind system, which guarantees the strict confidentiality inherent to the evaluation and ruling process. It is dedicated to stimulating scientific and humanistic research in the social context that serves as its environment, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The purpose of Ethos Journal is to promote rapprochement between scientific and technological communities around the world, with emphasis on America, in order to become a permanent discussion forum, in which professors, national and international researchers, as well as Also, undergraduate and graduate students, can disseminate their scientific findings from different paradigms, theoretical and epistemological approaches.

Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Ethos Journal (January-june)
					View Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Ethos Journal (January-june)

Research professionals present various works resulting from their reflections, in which they provide updated knowledge available to the national and international scientific community. Thus, Dr. Henry Vazquez and Dr. Luz Mendoza, Rector and Vice-Rector of the Alonso de Ojeda University respectively, begin with the presentation of a tool that every researcher assumes as a support resource in their epistemic work, such as Intelligence. Artificial.

Next, Alba Sánchez, Sarina Quero, Carlos Reyes; Sidart Rodríguez, Isabella Carvajal; Pedro Vílchez,  Migauri González; María Molina, María Lujano; Gary Oviedo, Ana Tovar; Aristóbulo Cáceres, Judith Loyo and finally, Willy Salcedo, make their significant contributions.

Published: 2024-01-30

Artículo científico

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