Didactic model for the training of teachers who work with the Automation Curricular Unit
Didactics, teaching model, teacher trainingAbstract
The purpose of the study was to generate a didactic model for the university teacher training that work with the automatism curricular unit, hence the fundamental purposes were to promote work to sensitize the social actors intervening, generate through reflection the influence of the use of the use of The didactic tools added to the cognitive aspects, and relating them to the creation of a model that allows to reflect a didactic strategy to be used in university education, to promote training actions aimed at intervening social actors, it sought to contribute to improve teaching dares of the educational practice with which a theoretical-methodological construct was generated. The analysis units are included by six teachers of the IUSF. Observation, interview, rain of ideas, bibliographic review and theory based for data analysis were used as instruments.
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