Grounded theory: qualitative research for the generation of new theories




Grounded theory, qualitative research, new theory


This article addresses the use of a qualitative method, data-based theory, as a research technique that facilitates the treatment of any study that is linked to behaviors, emotions and feelings, experiences, as well as the functioning of organizations and social movements. Grounded theory suggests the development of theories based directly on the researcher's observations. This approach was developed by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. In the 1960s, Strauss introduced a systematic framework for generating theories from empirical data. It is suggested that the method be applied by momentum until reaching the end, where the results will be reached. results that will be the theory and presentation of the research discoveries. This is carried out through a documentary analysis, since it is based on the bibliographic review of books, carrying out their analysis. In this article, we will delve into the basics of the grounded theory approach and explore how to apply it in qualitative research.


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Author Biographies

Yadixa Campos de Falcón, Universidad Rafael María Baralt. Zulia, Venezuela.

Dr. in Educational Sciences, Mg.Sc. in Basic Education Administration. Research professor at Universidad Rafael María Baralt. Zulia, Venezuela.

Yadinel Falcón Campos, ad Rafael María Baralt. Zulia, Venezuela.

Mg. Sc. in Higher Education. Mg. Sc. in Basic Education Administration. Research professor at Universidad Rafael María Baralt. Zulia, Venezuela.


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Arenas, N. (2005). Dando a conocer la aplicación de la Teoría Fundamentada. (1era edición). Valencia, Venezuela: Ediciones Universidad de Carabobo.

Glaser, B. (1978). Sensibilidad teórica: avances en la metodología de la teoría fundamentada. Mill Valley, prensa de sociología.

Glaser, B. y Strauss, A. (1967). El descubrimiento de la teoría fundamentada: estrategias para la investigación cualitativa. Nueva York: Aldine de Gruyter. Mead, G. (1964).

Palella, S. y Martins, P. (2006). Metodología de la investigación cuantitativa. Caracas. Venezuela: FEDEUPEL

Strauss, A. y Corbin, J. (2002). Bases de la investigación cualitativa. Técnicas y procedimientos para desarrollar la teoría fundamentada. Universidad de Antioquía: Colombia.

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How to Cite

Campos de Falcón, Y., & Falcón Campos, Y. (2025). Grounded theory: qualitative research for the generation of new theories. Revista Ethos, 16(1), 8–23.



Artículo científico