Teaching affection for the significant learning of students in primary education
Pedagogy, emotional intelligence, teachersAbstract
The purpose of this study was to interpret the criteria of teacher affectivity for the meaningful learning of students in primary education at the IER Carlos García Mayorca, Colombia. This research was based on the terms of the theorists Touriñán (2013) and Zúñiga (2010), others. Methodologically, the phenomenological method was used with an interpretive paradigm for which three (03) teachers from the IER Carlos García Mayorca, Colombia, who would respond to the interview script instrument, were considered as social actors. Regarding the results, the social actors interviewed in their responses issued a set of criteria but their relationship was able to reveal analysis markers corresponding to the importance of creating spaces where motivation plays an essential role in improving practice. pedagogical in order to guarantee a work of love. Meanwhile, empathy covers a primary factor in achieving the objectives planned by the teacher for the students. In conclusion, , implies the consolidation of the achievement of learning in students, for them, educators want to apply not only tasks that lead to cognitive effort but also affective strategies to understand and understand the other in relation to their feelings regarding the difficulty or not of an activity.
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