Technological management in the university educational process




Technological Management, Technologic, Educational process, University


The objective was aimed at analyzing technological management in the university educational process of the Eastern Coast of Lake Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia. Supported by authors such as Ivancevich et al (2006), Koontz and Weihrich (2006), Ochoa et al (2007), among others. The method was a descriptive study, with a non-experimental, transectional, field design, in a population of 247 university teachers, and a stratified sample of 153 subjects from four COL universities. A four-alternative Likert-type questionnaire was used, with 33 items, validated by expert judgment and Cronbach Alpha reliability of 0.97, applying an interpretation scale to analyze results with descriptive statistics. It is concluded that the technological management process in the university environment requires the creation of a climate conducive to innovation, making evident the presence of factors that stimulate the development of an organizational culture linked to the university process.


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Author Biography

Gary Ramón Oviedo Velásquez, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt Zulia-Venezuela.

Lawyer (2007, URBE), Social Worker (1993, LUZ), Lcdo. in Education (2019, UNERMB) Esp. Law of Children and Adolescents (2008, LUZ), MSc Human Resources Management (2002, UNERMB), MSc Teaching for Higher Education (2015, UNERMB), Doctor in Social Sciences (2022, UNERMB), MSc. Basic Education Administration (2023, UNERMB). Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt, Zulia-Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Oviedo Velásquez, G. R. (2024). Technological management in the university educational process. Revista Ethos, 15(1), 67–81.



Artículo científico