Satisfaction with the profession chosen by the education student. Case: "Rafael María Baralt" National Experimental University




satisfaction, needs, career choice


The objective of the article was to determine the satisfaction with the profession chosen by the students of the Education Program of the "Rafael María Baralt" National Experimental University (UNERMB), Ciudad Ojeda. The research was descriptive with a non-experimental-transectional design; the population consisted of twenty-five students from the program, who were consulted through an instrument of Satisfaction Inventory with the Chosen Profession, consisting of thirty-three items. The data were processed through SPSS version 20, which showed that the order level that predominates according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the highest, in addition to the prevailing need for belonging. It is concluded that there is satisfaction in students with the chosen profession.

Author Biographies

Gineth Salazar-Marín, Universidad Nacional Experimental "Rafael María Baralt", Venezuela

Psychologist (URU). Esp. Child Behavior Therapy (CIPPS). MSc. Behavioral Guidance (CIPPS). Teacher (Associate) Education Program. (UNERMB). Candidate for Doctor of Education, (UNERMB). Zulia, Venezuela.

Sulima Bracho-Espina, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, Venezuela

Sociologist (LUZ). MSc. Business Management (LUZ). MSc. Teaching in Higher Education (UNERMB). Diploma in Research Methodology (LUZ). Teacher (Associate) Education Program. (UNERMB). Candidate for Doctor of Education (UNERMB). Zulia, Venezuela


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How to Cite

Salazar-Marín, G., & Bracho-Espina, S. (2021). Satisfaction with the profession chosen by the education student. Case: "Rafael María Baralt" National Experimental University. Revista Ethos, 13(1), 12–22.



Artículo científico