Price Elasticity of Demand as a Tool for Formulating Business Strategies in the Footwear Industry of the Maule Region, Chile




elasticity, price elasticity, demand, commercial strategy


This work presents the results of a research project on the footwear market as an accessory in the Maule Region, Chile. Its objective was to determine elasticity through the use of estimating techniques and mathematical elements that allow the formulation of commercial strategies in the footwear industry in said region. The estimates made make this feasible clear, since their valuation would make it possible to know with great precision the changes in demand as a result of changes in price, as well as facilitate the recognition of the area where consumer expectations would be met by the level of production of the supplier.

Author Biographies

Katihuska Mota-Suárez, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

Postgraduate and Research Directorate

Jennifer Quiñonez-Fuentes, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

Postgraduate and Research Directorate


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How to Cite

Mota-Suárez, K., & Quiñonez-Fuentes, J. (2020). Price Elasticity of Demand as a Tool for Formulating Business Strategies in the Footwear Industry of the Maule Region, Chile. Revista Ethos, 12(1), 65–81.



Artículo científico