Culture, Change and Management: Trinomial for Organizational Transcendence



corporate culture, organizational change, management


This essay aims to provide a foundation for the understanding of the culture, change and management as key elements within business organizations. Based on the literature review, analysis, interpretation and reflections arising from this research, deals with this theme of interest to the management area. This essay offers an alternative view on the organizational dynamics that can stimulate the debate, also critically reflective, contributing in parallel with the increase of knowledge in the administrative field.

Author Biography

Argenis Mendoza-Suárez, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

Graduate in Social Communication. Mention: Audiovisual Journalism (LUZ, Venezuela). Specialist in Development of Intelligent Organizations (LUZ, Venezuela). Master Scientiarum in Human Resources Management (UNERMB, Venezuela). Doctor in Management (UNY, Venezuela). Doctorate in Education (UNERMB, Venezuela). Postgraduate guest professor at the Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB, Venezuela) and the Alonso de Ojeda University (UNIOJEDA, Venezuela).


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Suárez, A. (2019). Culture, Change and Management: Trinomial for Organizational Transcendence. Revista Ethos, 11(2), 171–182. Retrieved from