Research Training Program for Extension Teachers. Case: Alonso de Ojeda University



training program, research training, extension teachers, research and extension in Uniojeda


This article contains the results of a project whose objective was to propose a research training program for the teaching staff of the Alonso de Ojeda University. The study was assumed as a feasible project designed to meet the specific research needs of said staff. The population consisted of twentythree (23) professors, of which a sample of thirteen (13) was chosen, who were consulted through a survey supported by a mixed questionnaire. The results underpinned the need for the training program, which was established within the framework of the needs identified.

Author Biographies

María Alejandra Goitía-Talarico, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

Graduate in Administration, mention: Industrial Relations (UNIOJEDA). Specialist in Human Resources Management (UNIOJEDA). Coordinator of Extension of the Alonso de Ojeda University, Venezuela.

Katherine Rincón-Camacaro, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer (UNERMB). Master Scientiarum in Industrial Project Management (URBE). Candidate for Doctor in Social Sciences, mention: Management (LUZ). Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher-researcher (UNIOJEDA). Academic Vice-Rector of the Alonso de Ojeda University. Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Goitía-Talarico, M. A., & Rincón-Camacaro, K. (2019). Research Training Program for Extension Teachers. Case: Alonso de Ojeda University. Revista Ethos, 11(2), 132–152. Retrieved from



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