The construction of university patriotism: a historical pedagogical analysis of the Battle of Ayacucho




university patriotism, history, national identity, battle


The Battle of Ayacucho, which took place in 1824, was a key moment in the fight for independence in Peru and South America. The scenario in which this story unfolds has influenced the formation of national identity and university patriotism, which is for students to understand the importance of this event in the independence of Latin America and its impact on current society. Along the same lines, historical pedagogy can be used to encourage critical thinking, reflection on the past, allowing us to contribute to a deeper understanding of patriotism and citizenship, seeking to understand how authentic knowledge is constructed, because by studying this battle, university students can develop a greater understanding of the historical roots that have forged their countries and feel more connected to their homeland. In addition, they are inspired to be active leaders in their own society.


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Author Biographies

Lesbia Escalona, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda. Zulia - Venezuela

Dr. in Education. Alonso de Ojeda University. Zulia - Venezuela

Zully Zabala Campos, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda. Zulia - Venezuela

Dr. in Educational Sciences. Alonso de Ojeda University. Zulia - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Escalona, L., & Zabala Campos, Z. (2025). The construction of university patriotism: a historical pedagogical analysis of the Battle of Ayacucho. Revista Ethos, 16(1), 268–281.