Phenomenological essences




Phenomenology, Husserl, essences, reflexive method


The objective of this essay is to assume phenomenology as a subjective-reflexive study that allows extracting and describing with the application of the method of reduction, essences of the phenomena of the world of life. Based on a bibliographic review, which makes central reference to Husserl's phenomenology, as a reflexive method, within the phenomenological world, seen as a philosophical current, philosophical movement, reductive method, method of philosophical reflection or self-critical methodology for understanding the world, among others. Phenomenology, as a philosophical method, used to discover and describe essences present in the study of a phenomenon in the world of educational life. Essences are structural and fundamental characteristics that give meaning to a phenomenon, all phenomenological experience has a subjective side, the pole I, which reflects on the action of consciousness itself and an objective side of experiences anchored in the phenomenon or noema from which the essences are extracted.


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Author Biography

Jairo Rojano Mercado, Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín. Zulia, Venezuela

Dr. in Education. Mg. in Teaching for Higher Education. Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín. Zulia, Venezuela


Copleston, F. (2004). Historia de la filosofía. Sexta edición. Editorial Ariel. Barcelona. España.

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Gaos, J. (2007). Introducción a la fenomenología seguida de la crítica al psicologismo en Husserl. Ediciones Encuentro. Madrid. España.

Huygue, R. (1977). El arte y el hombre. Editorial Planeta. Barcelona. Argentina.

Husserl, E. (1982). La idea de la fenomenología. Fondo de cultura económica. México.

Reeder, H. (2010). La praxis fenomenológica. San Pablo. Bogotá. Colombia.

Sánchez. R. (1984). La fenomenología de la verdad. Pentalfa ediciones.

Szilasi, W. (1973). Introducción a la fenomenología de Husserl. Amorrortu editores. Buenos Aires.

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How to Cite

Rojano Mercado, J. (2025). Phenomenological essences. Revista Ethos, 16(1), 245–254.