Editorial policies


Ethos Journal is the organ for the dissemination of publications of recognized scientific and humanistic impact, national and international, sponsored by the Alonso de Ojeda University, whose purpose is to disseminate works in various modalities: articles, essays, reviews, among others, whose contributions are a necessary way to consolidate research and transmission of knowledge in the field of sciences: Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Philosophy, Engineering, Education, Law, Management, New Technologies and other areas related to factual and formal sciences.

The journal is aimed at the academic and scientific community of the human and social sciences and at those who are interested in delving deeper into the national and international topics, debates and experiences that are the protagonists of our regions, subjects and their socio-cultural transformations. Ethos Journal is refereed by experts with extensive experience in their respective areas of research, under the double-blind system, which guarantees the strict confidentiality inherent to the evaluation and opinion process.



Open Submissions  Indexed Peer Reviewed


Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed


Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed


Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed


Open Submissions Indexed Peer Reviewed


This journal provides open access to its content, which helps greater global exchange of knowledge. In this sense, all publications (both for authors and readers) of Ethos Journal are free of fees or any economic cost.

Regarding copyright, the authors assign the rights to Ethos Journal, with the purpose of sharing, distributing, executing and publicly communicating the articles, for non-commercial purposes and under the Creative Commons 4.0 license (BY-NC-SA ).

it mean:

(BY) Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in such a way as to suggest that you or your use are endorsed by the licensor.

(NC) NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

(SA) ShareAlike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same license as the original.

Source: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


All Ethos Journal publications incorporate interoperability protocols that allow their content to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories. The journal is published in OJS (Open Journals System, which is a system that incorporates the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol, with the possibility of obtaining different formats for the metadata. .

Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0
Metadata format: Dublin Core


Ethos Journal secures the intellectual content of electronic documents, for long periods of time, through digital preservation methods to safeguard digital resources, maintaining their attributes such as integrity, authenticity, inalterability, originality, reliability and accessibility.

The Alonso de Ojeda University guarantees the recording of the digital content of the Journal and copies it (rejuvenation) weekly, on institutional servers and the private hosting provider, through the GIT control system, which allows storing an initial version of each file and keeping a record of any differences that may occur over time. The preservation procedure is as follows:

- Storage of digital content in formats such as Word, XML, HTML, PDF and tar.gz to guarantee future conversions.
- Information encapsulation
- Evaluation: data consistency check, migration and emulation
- Self-documentation: coding of information
- Self-sufficiency: minimizing system, data and documentation dependencies

OJS allows the CLOCKSS system to store, preserve and distribute the journal's content through its publishing manifest, available at:


Likewise, the OJS includes the LOCKSS digital preservation system, in the PKP PNL network that also guarantees the storage, preservation and distribution of the journal's content through its publication manifest.