Publication standards

Instructions for authors

 General considerations regarding the presentation and sending of manuscripts

Researchers and the general public interested in publishing their work in Revista Ethos must enter the journal's website and send their manuscript by registering there. You can also send through the email made available to

Ethos Journal  has a Creative license Commons (BY-NC-SA). This provides open access to its content. In this sense, all Ethos Journal publications, which are available on the portal, are free of fees or any economic cost for downloading them; Likewise, there is no editorial policy that authors must pay or cover any cost to publish their works.

With the manuscript of the work proposal, a written communication will be submitted, signed by the author or authors, addressed to the Editorial Board of the journal in which the work is authorized to be submitted for evaluation and publication in Ethos Journal. In said communication it must be noted that the proposed work is original, unpublished and is not simultaneously subject to an evaluation and arbitration process in another journal; as well as the transfer of publication and dissemination rights under the Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license will be manifested. For more information, it is suggested to be guided by the models available on the Journal's website.

From the moment the work is accepted and published in Ethos Journal, the author or authors accept(s) the transfer of copyright, which is why the Journal can publish the article in physical or electronic formats, including the Internet, databases. data and other information systems linked to the Journal. Authors may use the final version of their article in any repository, website or in print.

Submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents. The editors do not upload the submitted document, or any part of it, using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools , as this may violate the confidentiality and proprietary rights of the authors and, where the article contains personally identifiable information, may violate data privacy rights.

It is important to clarify that the data of the author or authors must be sent in an attached document, both in Spanish and English, that includes surnames, first names, address, telephone number, email, Orcid , academic titles, institutional affiliation with mention of the country, current positions, companies to which they belong, studies carried out or in progress and recent publications.

Presentation of the works

The works must present a summary of a maximum of 150 words and four (4) keywords. Both the summary and the keywords will be in Spanish and English. Likewise, the title and subtitle of the work will also be presented in the aforementioned languages. The length must not be more than fifteen (15) pages nor less than ten (10); If graphics, illustrations and annexes are included, the maximum length may be up to twenty (20) pages. All works will be presented on letter-type paper, on one side, with continuous numbering and with margins of two (2) centimeters on all sides. The format for presentation of works available on the Journal's portal may be used.

The text will be presented with 1.5 line spacing, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with subsequent spacing between paragraphs of 6 pts. For footnotes and table contents, the size will be in Times New Roman font size 10, with single spacing.

Work evaluation

All works will be evaluated under the double-blind modality by a Committee of Arbitration, made up of three (3) of the members of the Scientific Committee and two (2) specialists of recognized prestige, selected by the Editorial Board of the Journal, external to the Alonso de Ojeda University, who will not know their identities. The proposed works must be original, unpublished and cannot be simultaneously submitted to the evaluation and arbitration process in another journal. The originals of the proposed articles will not be returned.

The evaluation criteria are the following:

  1. Formal or presentation criteria : 1) originality, relevance and adequate length of the title; 2) clarity and coherence of speech; 3) adequate preparation of the summary; 4) internal organization of the text; 5) all other criteria established in these regulations.
  2. Content criteria:1) evidenced domain of knowledge; 2) scientific rigor; 3) theoretical and methodological foundation; 4) timeliness and relevance of the sources consulted; 5) contributions to existing knowledge.

Once received, the works follow the following process, in an average time of 90 days: a) initially, receipt of the manuscript is acknowledged via email; b) Next, the Editorial Board carries out a preliminary review (estimated time 15 days) to determine if it complies with the Standards for the presentation of works; c) if it meets them, it goes to arbitration (review of manuscripts, estimated time 30 days), a process in which qualified specialists evaluate the works according to and meeting criteria of relevance, originality, contributions and scientific and academic virtue. The Editorial Board will issue a verdict on the work presented, which will consist of: c-1) Publishable; c-2) Publishable with slight modifications, which involve those of form and style, in order to adapt the formal or presentation criteria of the Journal; c-3) Publishable with substantial modifications, which imply those of the background and construction of the manuscript, in order to adapt to the content criteria of the journal; c-4) Not publishable; d) if the work does not meet the minimum criteria present in these standards, The Editorial Board will propose that it not be sent to the arbitration process; e) in any case, the author or authors will be notified, in writing, of the decision.

Reviewers do not use generative AI or AI-assisted technologies to perform the evaluation or decision-making process of a manuscript, as the critical thinking and original evaluation, necessary for this work, are outside the scope of that technology and exist the risk that the technology generates incorrect, incomplete or biased conclusions about the manuscript.

The authors will have a maximum of twenty-one (21) days to send the modifications to the Editorial Board to the following address: If said corrections are not sent within the established period, disinterest on the part of the authors is assumed. not to publish his work in Ethos Journal. If the author(s) decide not to publish their work, they must present a communication in which they make clear the non-publication of the submitted material in the journal. In the event that the verdict of the referees differs from one another (publishable/non-publishable), the article will be submitted to a new arbitration until a unanimous decision is obtained.

The responsibility for the arbitration process and the final decision to publish the articles falls on the Editorial Board, in the figure of its Director.

Controversy cases

The journal undertakes to resolve cases of controversy through the Editorial Board in cases in which the peer reviewers indicate that they have a conflict of interest with the text to be evaluated. The journal guarantees that the most suitable evaluators will also be chosen in terms of thematic and academic compatibility. In cases of doubt, the Editorial Board will always be consulted to resolve these cases.

Editorial process

The Editorial Board of Ethos Journal reserves the final say on the publication of the articles and the issue in which they will be published. The order of publication and the thematic orientation of each issue will be determined by the Editorial Board, regardless of the order in which the works have been received and refereed. Based on this, the authors will be informed of the number and approximate dates of their publication. During this process, the Editorial Board reserves the right to make adjustments and changes that ensure the quality of the publication. Originals will not be returned.

The author must be ready to receive communications from the Journal by email. You must also provide information on the research that supports the article, certify that the writing is your authorship and that the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected, by sending the aforementioned communications.

Article body

Language: Articles must be presented and written in native language; If it is Spanish, the complete article is written in Spanish and both the summary and the keywords are translated into English. If it is English, the complete article is written in English and both the summary and the keywords are translated into Spanish. Authors who wish to expand the scope of international readers can send their works in Spanish, English and in their native language other than the two mentioned, this guarantees a greater number of readers.

Title : It should be short, explanatory and contain the essence of the work. This title must be provided in both Spanish and English. The following criteria are established for writing the title: a) clarity; b) brevity (between 10 and 15 words are suggested); c) specificity and d) originality.

Author (s): Indicate the full names and surnames, professional titles, the name of the institution where the work was carried out or the institution to which the author belongs, ORCID or URL of a recognized academic portal with information such as researcher, city and country. The maximum number of authors is three (3).

Summary : No more than one hundred and fifty (150) words, in Spanish and English, in a single paragraph with single spacing. If the work is presented in another language, the summary must be written in that same language, in Spanish and English. When writing the summary, the objective of the work, the methods used, results and conclusions are outlined. The following criteria are established for writing the summary: a) precise; b) complete; c) concise and d) specific.

Keywords : Four (4) keywords must be included in Spanish and English. These descriptor words facilitate the inclusion of the article in international databases. It is suggested to use the UNESCO thesaurus available at:

Sections and sub-sections: The works must be divided into introduction, theoretical foundations, methodology, results, analysis and discussion of the results, conclusion or final considerations and bibliographic references. In the development, the sub-sections must have Arabic numerals, being freely titled and divided by the author, seeking to maintain internal coherence of both discourse and theme.

Citation and reference standards

Appointments: The appointment will be made taking into account the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its 7th. updated edition to 2023 and applying the guidelines established in this section. In the text, the author-date and page number modality is used in the case of textual quotations.

Textual quotes : the author's words are reproduced exactly. If the quote is up to 40 words, it is incorporated into the text between double quotes, without italics. Examples :

  1. Author last name (year) states that “text of quote” (page).

      According to the results, Almarza (2020) states that "text of the quote" (p. 5).

  1. “text of the citation” (author's last name, year, page).

          "social classes are distinguished..." (Almarza, 2020, p. 3).

If the quote has more than 40 words, it is written separately from the text, in a block, indented 1 cm from the left margin, without quotation marks, without italics and with single spacing. At the end of the quote, the period is placed, followed by the author's last name, year and page number, in parentheses. Examples :


Quote text. (González, 2012, p. 4)

In the case of the narrative textual quote,

For his part, Alfonso (2012) states that

Quote text. (p.6)

Paraphrase-type quotes : when the author's ideas are told, summarized or reorganized in their own words. Examples :

Interpreting the results, it could be stated, according to García (2021), that....

Interpreting the results, it could be stated that the growth rate.... (Garcia, 2021).

Number of authors in the citations : in the case of the same author with works published in the same year, the following format is followed (García, 2008a, p. 12) or García (2008b, p. 24). If there are two or three authors, only the first surname of each one will be included, for example: According to Reyes and Díaz (2008, p. 90) or (Reyes, García and Díaz, 2008, p. 90). If there are more than three authors (García et. al, 2022). Following the same criteria explained above for textual quotes and paraphrases.

The secondary appointments They are used when a main source is referred to in the text. It can be cited in two ways:

In parentheses : (Original author's last name, date, as cited in Secondary author's last name, date)

Example : (Abreu, 2002, as cited in Romero, 2012)

In narrative form : Original author's last name (date, as cited in Secondary author's last name, date)

Example : Abreu (2002, as cited in Romero, 2012) states that not all narrative documents are easily accessible.

Citations of unpublished or printed works, as well as references to private communications and documents of limited dissemination, should be avoided, as far as possible, unless strictly necessary. In the case of documentary, electronic or other sources that, due to their nature, are unfeasible or complex for the adoption of the aforementioned author - date, you can resort to the one cited in the footer. In more specific cases, consult APA standards in its 7th edition.

In the case of documents in archives, authors can resort to the use of footnotes or APA standards to reference their content, as long as they maintain consistency in the citing style throughout the work. Regardless of the citing method for documents in archives.

References : Sources cited in the document must appear in the reference list and each entry in the reference list must have been cited in the text. References should go at the end of the article; they will be made taking into account the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its 7th. updated edition to 2023 and applying the guidelines established in this section. These may be bibliographic, newspaper , documentary, electronic, oral and others that have been used. They have four basic elements: author, publication date, title of the work and recovery source. They must be single-spaced with a French indentation of 1cm, with a spacing of 1.5 spaces between referenced works. The order of references is alphabetical by last name.

The different works by the same author will be organized chronologically, in ascending order and, if there are two or more works by the same author and year, the strict alphabetical order by title will be maintained. The authors are responsible for the fidelity of the references. If an author is cited more than once, the traditional line that replaced the surnames and names of the author or authors is not placed. This is explained because the electronic search engines of institutional repositories read words and the line does not have any alphabetical meaning.

The APA version 7 standards updated in 2023 allow referencing up to 20 and more than 20 authors. In the case of up to 20 authors, the penultimate is separated from the last with the letter “y”. In the case of more than 20 authors, the first 19 are written, then ellipses, followed by the last author of the work. The examples presented below correspond to the APA-2023 standards .


Last name, initial of the author's name (year). Title of the work . Publishing house or entity [should not have the word “publishing” unless it is part of the name of the publishing institution].

Example of a book with an author:

Vera, M. (2013). Republican educational project and public instruction in Maracaibo (1830-1850). UNERMB Editorial Fund.

Briceño-Iragorry, M. (1997). Message without destination. Monte Ávila Editores.

Example of a book with two authors:

Acosta, N. and Arenas, O. (1999). Latin America in the World. Ediluz.

Example of a book with more than three authors:

González, P. et. al (1999). Innovation is a topic to discuss in undeveloped countries. Kopena.

Example of a book obtained from the web:

Royal Spanish Academy (2011). New grammar of the Spanish language. Manual. Espasa.​​​​

Book chapters or part of a compilation

Last name, initial of the author's name (year). Chapter or section title. Book title (pages). House or publishing entity.

Book chapter example:

Abric , J. (2001). Social representations: theoretical aspects. Social practices and representations (25-41). Coyoacán Editions.

Article in refereed journal

Last name, initial of the author's name (year). Article title. Name of the Journal, volume or year, number.

Example of articles in a printed refereed Journal:

García J. and Colina, A. (2013). Cognitive maps: teaching-learning strategy in the social sciences . Perspectives: Journal of History, Geography, Art and Culture, Year 1 No. 1.

Example of an article in a peer-reviewed journal with DOI (Digital Object Identifier ):

Ramírez, L. (2015). The cultivation of Venezuelan cocoa from Maruma. Caribbean History. Vol. 10, No. 27. .

 Example of an article in a peer-reviewed online journal without DOI:

Castillo, L. and Borregales, Y. (2015). Beyond the parchment: historical painting and political caricature in the Venezuelan historiographic study. Historical Processes. No. 027, Year XIV.

Unpublished degree works/thesis

Last name, initial of the author's name (year). Job title. (Degree work/master's thesis/doctoral thesis). Institution, Place.

Example of degree work/unpublished thesis:

Lozano, E. (1999). Marketing cases in Colombian companies. (Degree Work). Pontifical Javeriana University, Bogotá, Colombia.

Example of unpublished degree work/thesis online:

Loaiza, M. (2015). Marketing and advertising cases in Ecuadorian companies. (Master's Thesis).

Works presented at scientific events and/or conferences

Last name, initial of the author's name (month, year). Job title. Paper presented at <conference name> of <organizing institution>, location.

Example of works presented at scientific events and/or conferences:

García, J. and Durán, W. (May, 2013). Communal empowerment and risk management in communal spaces on the Eastern Coast of Lake Maracaibo. Challenges and proposals. Work presented at the Natural Risks and Education Conference of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

newspaper article

Last name, initial of the author's name (year, month and day). Article title. Newspaper title, page.

Example of a newspaper article:

Soto, A. (2015, September, 23). NLP achieves behavioral changes in 20 minutes. Final Version, p. 14.

Online newspaper article example:

Chirinos, P. (2015, September, 22). Walk for a healthy heart. The truth.


Title of the constitution [Const.]. (date of promulgation). ed number Editorial.

Constitution example:

Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela [Const.]. (1999). 3rd Edition. Bookplate.


Body that decrees it. (day, month and year). Title of the law . DO or GO: [Official newspaper or Gazette where it is found]

Example of laws:

National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. (August 15, 2009). Organic Law of Education . Official Gazette No. 5,929 Extraordinary.

Documents on file

File name. Section where it is located. Book or volume. File, Title or subject of the document. Folio(s).

Example of documents on file:

General Archive of the Indies. Caracas Hearing. Coastal aid. File 943. No. 267. Report from the general accounting office favorable to a request from the Poor Clares of the Convent of Mérida in Maracaibo in the sense that they be given what was necessary to make repairs from the plunderings of Bishop Ramos de Lora. Madrid, March 31, 1796. ff. 1r-2v.


Name of the interviewee, carried out on the day, month, year in (Place).

Example of interviews:

Humberto Chirinos, held on February 7, 2016 in the Punto Fijo neighborhood (Cabimas, Venezuela).

Internet pages

Last name, initial of the author's name (year). Entry title.

Example of Internet page:

Ministry of Popular Power for Education (2014). Bicentennial Collection.

blog post

Last name, initial of the author's name (year). Post title. [Blog entry].

Blog post example:

Moreno, D. (2014). “Distributions based on Debian GNU/Linux” cheat book . [Professor Duglas Moreno 's website ].


Last name, initial of the producer's name. (day, month and year). Post title [Audio in podcast].

Podcast Example:

Leto , J. (2015, January 18). "Las Moscas" by Horacio Quiroga in Noviembre Nocturno [Audio in podcast].


Last name, initial of the producer's first name and last name, initial of the first name (director) (year). Movie title [Film]. Country of origin: Studio.

Movie example:

Jácome, M. (Producer) and Arvelo, C. (Director) (2007). Cyrano Fernandez [Film ]. Venezuela: Indigo Media.


Last name, first initial of the writer (copyright year). Song title. [Song] .  Place: Record label.

Audio example:

Juanes. (2013). The black shirt [Song] . Universal Music Latino

Image (photography, painting)

Last name, initial of the artist's name (Place, year). Title of the work [Format]. Place: Place where it is exposed.

Image example:

Kahlo, F. (1944). The Broken Column [Painting]. Mexico: Dolores Olmedo Patiño Museum.

Image or video online

Last name, first initial (year). Title or name of the image or video [Video/Image File] .

Online video example:

Santos, D. (2012). Ecological apocalypse [Video file].


Last name, first initial [@Twitter User] (Year, month, day). Content of the Tweet [Tweet].

Twitter example:

Santo-Domingo, J. [@ Teatromayor ] (2015, January, 19). Vangelis, composer of the original scores for Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire, is the author of the music for Paisajes [Tweet].


Last name, first initial [Facebook user] (year, month, day). Content of the post [Facebook status] from Url.

Facebook example:

Hawking, S. [ Stephenhawking ] (2014, December, 19). Errol Morris' A Brief History of Time is a very respectful documentary , but upon a viewing last night , I discovered something profound and warming . The real star of the film is my personal mother ​[Facebook Status] from

Annexes: Annexes constitute complementary elements of the text that the reader refers to a part of the work or outside of it, with the purpose of illustrating the ideas presented in the text, expanding or clarifying or complementing what is expressed therein. The annexes are counted as part of the number of pages of the document.

In the case of figures and tables, the author may accompany the original with the illustrations he deems necessary. Photographs and illustrations must be sent in . jpg with a minimum of 300 dpi resolution. Captions or captions should not be part of the images, therefore, they should be indicated separately. The annexes must be numbered (Image 1, Illustration 2, among others) and outlined within the text (See illustration x). The background of graphs, tables and charts must be white. It is the author's responsibility to obtain and deliver to the Journal permission for the publication of images that require it. Although color annexes are allowed, it should be taken into account that the physical Journal is printed in gray scale; while the electronic version appears in color.

Observations regarding writing and style

  1. Subdivisions in the body of the text (chapters, subchapters, among others) must have Arabic numbering, except for the introduction and conclusion, which are not numbered. The subchapters will be outlined in decimals (1.1, 1.2, 5.6,) while the subdivisions of the latter must be presented in consecutive letters (a, b, c, d, successively).
  2. Latin terms, foreign words, as well as titles of scientific, artistic and literary works must appear in italics or italics.
  3. The first time an abbreviation is used, it must be placed in parentheses after the complete formula; successively, only the abbreviation will be used.
  4. The beginning of each paragraph is not indented. The separation between paragraphs will be subsequently spaced at 6 points.
  5. Footnotes must appear in Arabic numerals.
  6. Although the use of footnotes is permitted, they will have an explanatory and expanding nature (if warranted) of the ideas raised in the work. The use of footers for citation or reference data will not be accepted, except for references to documents in files.
  7. Charts, graphs, illustrations, photographs, maps and similar must be referenced and explained in the text. They must also be titled, numbered and identified sequentially and accompanied by their respective image captions and source(s), as follows: Source: Last name(s), year. Ex.: Source: Márquez, 2012.
  8. Charts, tables, graphs, illustrations and the like must preferably be of your own creation (unless the work presented involves the analysis of annexes of external authorship). Their insertion must be fully justified and strictly related to the theme and/or aspects discussed in the work presented to Ethos Journal.

For more details regarding the application of APA norms, see: