The work of girls, boys and adolescents in Venezuela from the approach of the International Labor Organization




Child labor, Forced labor, OIT, Venezuela


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the compliance of the regulatory instruments that promote the abolition of child labor, based on the identification and characterization of the forms of child labor detected in the sector. To achieve these objectives we made an analysis of the national legal framewok and the international laws that regulate that regulate this activity. The research has a qualitative approach as we select four (04) kinds of informants, using the teachers, workers and students for this purpose. Their testimonies were collected directly from real events in real time. The study concludes that, in a sector of the Zamora Municipality located in Aragua State, various forms of child labor were detected, including some dangerous work, according to the International Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the national legislations that regulates this matter.

Author Biography

Ana Virginia Tovar Alvarado, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela

Archivologist and Lawyer from the Central University of Venezuela. Legal Advisor of the Student Welfare Organization, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas Venezuela


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How to Cite

Tovar Alvarado, A. V. (2024). The work of girls, boys and adolescents in Venezuela from the approach of the International Labor Organization. Revista Ethos, 15(1), 82–93.



Artículo científico