Didactic strategies for strengthening the formative process in the mechanical drawing curricular unit





Teaching strategies, Formative process, Mechanical drawing, Investigation action


In this research, the strengthening of the formative process for students in the Mechanical Drawing course within the Engineering Mechanical Maintenance Project (PIMM) at the “Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB), located in Ciudad Ojeda, is proposed. This is achieved by implementing didactic strategies tailored to the current context, with the aim of promoting student participation in the formative process. The research follows a qualitative research-action approach. The key actors in this study are the students from section 01 of Mechanical Drawing during the II-2023 period, as well as the researcher-teacher. To collect the necessary information, unstructured interviews, field notes with descriptive photographic records, and audio recordings were used. The results demonstrate an increase in student participation and commitment in the teaching-learning process. Additionally, there was a reduction in dropout rates, improvement in academic performance, and increased interest in learning, thereby transforming the observed reality and enriching the teacher’s practice.

Author Biographies

Pedro Antonio Vílchez Pérez, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt” – Zulia, Venezuela.

Mechanical engineer. Diploma in teaching for higher education. Master in teaching for higher education. Aspiring Doctor in Education. Teacher at Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University. Zulia, Venezuela

Migauri Alejandra González González, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. Zulia, Venezuela.

Mechanical maintenance engineer. Master in Materials Sciences. Aspiring Doctor of Education. Teacher at Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University. Zulia, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Vílchez Pérez, P. A., & González González, M. A. (2024). Didactic strategies for strengthening the formative process in the mechanical drawing curricular unit. Revista Ethos, 15(1), 36–51. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12627550



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