Impact of the Covid-19 in the Oil and Gas Sector in Latin America




covid-19, oil sector, gas sector, oil and gas


Throughout history, humanity has suffered from events that have changed the perspective and has led to an analysis of human behavior in the face of globalized events, among which we can mention the five deadliest pandemics: smallpox, measles, the misnamed ‘Spanish flu’ of 1918, the black plague and AIDS (HIV), as well as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), in which
the potential impact of care was not anticipated to what would come next. To all this, the economic, cultural, energetic impact is added, among others; to which each country must face to guarantee the basic supplies of health and food. Specifically, the impact of covid-19 on the oil and gas sector in Latin America is shown, as well as the effect of the global measures adopted by the oil exporting countries as a result of this new global scenario.

Author Biographies

Deny González-Torcatis, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”-Venezuela

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer. Master in Natural Gas Engineering. Doctor in Educational Sciences. Associate professor.

Edis Castillo, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”-Venezuela

Graduate in Sociology. Industrial Safety Specialist. Doctor of Education Superior. Instructor Teacher.


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How to Cite

González-Torcatis, D., & Castillo, E. (2020). Impact of the Covid-19 in the Oil and Gas Sector in Latin America. Revista Ethos, 12(1), 82–97.



Artículo científico