Unexpected encounter with literature: an imaginary dialogue with Laertes





Laertes, Shakespeare, dialogue with Laertes


Hamlet is one of the great contributions of William Shakespeare to literature and culture in general. It is a tragedy recognized as one of the first modern works of Western literature and in it stands out a character who represents very well the anguish and uncertainty of modern and contemporary being: Hamlet, the prince of Denmark. He leads us to think if what we do is worth it or not. If life has any meaning. Modernity expressed from the character is highlighted from reason and questioning. His reflective figures evoke the personification of consciousness, meditation on the existence of human beings, life and death, antagonistic, balanced, without a real or visible balance. Taking into account that literary works are influenced by their historical context, the author of this interview makes an imaginary journey to meet Laertes, one of Hamlet's characters who tragically knows his final destination and still maintains an interest in satisfying his emotions. An encounter with yesterday's literature to try to understand our present.

Author Biography

Michelle Alejandra Hernández-Serna, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela

Student of Social Communication at the Andrés Bello Catholic University, Venezuela



How to Cite

Hernández-Serna, M. A. (2021). Unexpected encounter with literature: an imaginary dialogue with Laertes. Revista Ethos, 13(2), 94–98. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10912399