Motivational strategies based on spirituality for the staff of Transporte y Servicios Montiel, C.A.




motivational strategies, spirituality, Transporte y Servicios Montiel


The purpose of this case study was to propose motivational strategies based on spirituality for the personnel of the company Transporte y Servicios Montiel, C.A. based in the Lagunillas municipality, Zulia state, Venezuela. Methodologically, it was a case study, with a non-experimental, field and transectional design, in which eight informants belonging to the company's personnel were consulted, using a Likert scale questionnaire, validated by experts and with a reliability Cronbach's alpha of 0.97. The pre-eminence of internal and external motivational factors postulated from motivational theories in human resource management is shown, even when internal ones prevail over external ones. However, a low assessment of spirituality at work was evidenced, although its individual nature associated with beliefs and values ​​is recognized.

Author Biographies

Johan Suárez-Brito, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

Master in Human Talent Management (Uniojeda). Specialist in Human Resources Management (Uniojeda). Graduate in Administration, mention in Industrial Management (UNERMB). Higher University Technician in Business Administration (IUTC).

Katherine Rincón-Camacaro, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

Doctor in Social Sciences, mention in Management (University of Zulia). Master Scientiarum in Industrial Project Management (URBE). Master in Industrial Maintenance Management (Uniojeda). Mechanical Maintenance Engineer (UNERMB). Professor and university researcher (Uniojeda, IACC).


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How to Cite

Suárez-Brito, J., & Rincón-Camacaro, K. (2021). Motivational strategies based on spirituality for the staff of Transporte y Servicios Montiel, C.A. Revista Ethos, 13(1), 61–76.



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