Market alternatives for the Company Sociedad Anónima, Equipos, Servicios y Construcciones




market alternatives, service companies, SAESCO


The objective of this case study was to analyze the market alternatives for the company S.A, Equipos, Servicios y Construcciones (SAESCO), based in the municipality of Lagunillas, Zulia state, Venezuela. It was typified as a descriptive research with a field design, non-experimental and transectional. The population consisted of five (05) people, between owners and managers, who were consulted through a structured interview. The results show that the Venezuelan market is very risky and vulnerable, because the economic conditions do not generate security for the investor. This reality affects the concretion of strategies that take advantage of options such as expansion, diversification and establishment of new target markets; obviously, this limits real and sustainable investment, in favor of price strategies as the only alternative to attract customers.

Author Biographies

Angélica López-Matheus, Universidad Nacional Experimental "Rafael María Baralt", Venezuela

Graduate in Administration with a mention in Management and Marketing (Uniojeda). Specialist in Human Resources Management (Uniojeda). Candidate for Doctor in Social Sciences (Unermb).

Silvino Villarroel-Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional Experimental "Rafael María Baralt", Venezuela

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer (Unermb), Financial Management Specialist (Uniojeda). Candidate for Doctor in Social Sciences (Unermb).


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How to Cite

López-Matheus, A., & Villarroel-Gutiérrez, S. (2021). Market alternatives for the Company Sociedad Anónima, Equipos, Servicios y Construcciones. Revista Ethos, 13(1), 52–60.



Artículo científico