Application of deformable polymers in drilling fluids to mitigate filtration losses in susceptible zones




polymers, fluids, drilling, CRMR-04


The objective of the research was to analyze deformable polymers in oil-based fluids for drilling in producing zones of the MOR-32 well in the Morichal area. The type of research was established as descriptive and the design was field. The population and sample was the MOR-32 well, the data collection techniques were direct observation and bibliographic review. The results of the quality tests showed that the sludge used was not in optimal ranges, problems were observed with respect to rheological properties. The oil-based fluid CRMR-04 was used, where the product showed total synergy with the remaining products, the highest drilling rates were achieved using the product with a lower density than the original hole 40% less volume lost by filtration to the formation (400 bls) and 15% less processed volume (940 bls) the drags and supports are associated with claystone sections in boreholes.


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Author Biographies

Virginia del Carmen Montero Castellano, Universidad del Zulia. Zulia, Venezuela.

Ing. en Petróleo. Esp. en Fluidos de Perforación y Completación de Pozos. Universidad del Zulia. Zulia, Venezuela.

José Ygnacio Lezama Montero, Universidad del Zulia. Zulia, Venezuela

Ing. en Petróleo. Universidad del Zulia. Zulia, Venezuela


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How to Cite

Montero Castellano, V. del C., & Lezama Montero, J. Y. (2025). Application of deformable polymers in drilling fluids to mitigate filtration losses in susceptible zones. Revista Ethos, 16(1), 174–191.



Artículo científico