Human talent management and managerial performance in the metalmechanical companies of the Lagunillas Municipality
human talent, managerial performance, new tendencies, skillsAbstract
The purpose of the research focused on the analysis of the relationship between the management of human talent and managerial performance in companies in the metal-mechanic sector of the Municipality of Lagunillas. Therefore, it seeks to analyze the relationship between the management of human talent and managerial performance in the companies of the metal-mechanic sector of the Lagunillas Municipality. Among the authors who support this work are Bedoya, E. (2005), Blanchard (2007), Robbins and De Cenzo (2009), Zambrano (2013) among others. Under a qualitative-interpretative paradigm, with a descriptive type of research, with a transactional field design. On the other hand, the observation units will be the three (3) companies in the metal-mechanic sector, and the sample will be made up of five (05) people who make up the managers and coordinators of the companies. The information collection techniques will be the focus group, such as interviews using the discussion guide, the interview guide, among others, as instruments. Said investigation will be carried out in three (3) phases: preliminary, application and analysis. For which it was concluded that for the applicability of new trends in the field and to improve productivity, it is necessary to establish and guarantee the updating of the training of professionals in the area, through courses or workshops within their professional growth.
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