
The Higher Council, the Rectoral Authorities and Deans of the Alonso de Ojeda University, welcomed the students of LAR- III- 2024, with the participation of the Rector (E) Dr. Nathalie Mendoza de Luzardo, expressing to the new students, who enter the university life, her cordial words, in an act carried out to receive them as members of the community. It is also important to highlight that another purpose of this important act is to promote in the students the norms of the University for the good functioning of the organization, promoting discipline and the appropriate values ​​for coexistence and performance, guaranteeing student well-being, in order to train future professionals.


In addition, the Academic Vice-Rector (E), Dr. Luz Mendoza, spoke to encourage students to begin with enthusiasm the exciting adventure of university and successful professional training at this university. She also stated that learning is a process through which knowledge is obtained, behavior is transformed and improved, placing it in the context of university education, a new cycle of life.
Within this program, a musical medley was offered with the participation of Henry Correa, Elvis Sierra and Daniel Nucete, filling the environment with joy with their talented artistic performances, stimulating the emotions of those present, especially the students.


For her part, the Director of Culture, Lic. Kelly Mancilla, carried out a very significant dynamic of words emphasizing the purpose and value of camaraderie in the university career, all of this to express the pleasure of the university representatives to receive today's students and future graduates of tomorrow, who are the reason for UNIOJEDA's existence.